Camp Kiss by J.K. Rock
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I have never been to summer camp. Sure… I did the day camp thing, but never an over night, stay out in a cabin in the woods and bond with other girls and crush on other boys kind of thing.
If I had, I imagine it would have been exactly like this… or at least I would have hoped it would be.
Let me just say that this book took me back to my days as a teen. Worrying if a certain boy liked you, worrying what the other girls think of you, trying to make a place for yourself and the happiness you have when someone accepts you for who you are.
Lauren Carlson isn’t a girly-girl. She loves comics and the stars and sci-fi… all the things most girls her age aren’t really focused on anymore.
She’s had a crush on her camp BFF, Seth, forever. This year, she is hoping to jump from the friend zone to boyfriend and girlfriend. Her ‘secret’ crush isn’t so secret though, and her cabin mates put her up to a dare… She has to kiss Seth, and they’re convinced it’s the one thing that will move things forward for them. BUT it’s not just any kiss… this is Lauren’s FIRST KISS.
I really liked Lauren… and Seth. The one thing I didn’t really get was his desire to hide their ‘relationship’. It didn’t make sense to me, since everyone basically knew they liked each other anyway, and he was pursuing her too, so it made me a bit suspicious about him.
This is a novella, prequel for the newly released Camp Boyfriend. Not required reading, but it definitely sets up the plot for book 1 in this series, and definitely worth the read.
If you’re looking for a cute, sweet ya definitely give this series a read. I’m going to be picking up Camp Boyfriend next, because the teaser chapters I read in Camp Kiss had me hooked!
Thank you to Spencer Hill for the advance copy for an honest review
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