Atlantis Reborn is the third and final book in the Atlantis Rising series by Gloria Craw and I have to admit, I kind of forgot that there was going to be a third book until I was notified that this was being released. Having read the first two, I dove right in as I wanted [Keep Reading…]
Atlantis Quest (Atlantis Rising #2) by Gloria Craw
Atlantis Quest is book two of the Atlantis Rising series by Gloria Craw and I’m glad I came across these books. This book picks up shortly after book one wrapped up and quickly pulled me back into Alison’s story again. I admit, I had to go back to book one to refresh my memory of [Keep Reading…]
Atlantis Rising by Gloria Craw
I requested Atlantis Rising on a whim as I read the summary and thought it sounded interesting. I am happy that I did as I found myself enjoying this book and while there were some things that were frustrating, overall this was a solid story and one I found myself not wanting to put down. [Keep Reading…]
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