Hey Everyone – it is Day 5 of the Book Blogging Challenge and the topic is Recommend a Tear Jerker. Â There are definitely some great ones out there…you know – the ones where you definitely DO NOT want to be in public because you will be a red eyed, blotchy faced, crying mess. Â Does the [Keep Reading…]
15 Day Book Blogging Challenge – Day 4: Last Book Flung Across The Room
Ok – it is day 4 and our topic today is a good one – Last Book Flung Across the Room. Â I like this one because there could be any reason why this happens. Â In most cases, this is the feeling I get when we end a book with a major cliffhanger OR we love [Keep Reading…]
15 Day Book Blogging Challenge – Day 3: Blogging BFF’s
Well it is day 3 of the 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge that is being hosted over at goodbooksandgoodwine.com and our topic today is: Blogging BFF’s!! We have been so fortunate over the last year to meet and make so many new friends which means that we (unfortunately) can’t name everyone here. Â With that said, [Keep Reading…]
15 Day Book Blogging Challenge: Day 2….Bedtime Rituals
So, it’s day 2 of the Book Blogging Challenge being hosted over at goodbooksandgoodwine.com and the topic is Bedtime Rituals. Â Jaime and I have similar habits…considering we live in the same house I suppose that isn’t a bad thing. Jaime’s Bedtime Ritual: After I finally get the mini monster to bed, I can relax for [Keep Reading…]
15 Day Book Blogging Challenge – Book Confessions
While looking for something new to talk about, we came across a challenge being hosted by April at goodbooksandgoodwine.com. Â It is the 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge and topic number one is: 15 Book Related Confessions So here they are… 1. We don’t LOVE classical literature. We don’t hate it but it isn’t at the [Keep Reading…]
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